Open Hearts Ministries provides hot meals and a safe place to socialize in Haverhill, MA.
Sunday Community Meal
The Community Meal is served in the dining room every Sunday from 1pm to 3pm. The meal includes a warm, nutritious main dish, two sides, soup, bread & butter, dessert and drinks.
Community Lunches
Lunches distributed at Common Ground on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Senior Meal
Join us for the Senior meal on the Fourth Wednesday of each month. From Noon to 1pm enjoy a warm meal served at your table, some music, a raffle and good company.
Shut-in Meals
Home cooked meals are delivered every Wednesday from 10am to Noon. Pantry Bags are available for those having trouble getting out to shop.
Our Services
Open Hearts Ministries provides hot meals and a safe place to socialize in Haverhill, MA.
Sunday Community Meal
The Community Meal is served in the dining room every Sunday from 1pm to 3pm. The meal includes a warm, nutritious main dish, two sides, soup, bread & butter, dessert and drinks.
Community Lunches
Senior Meal
Join us for the Senior meal on the Fourth Wednesday of each month. From Noon to 1pm enjoy a warm meal served at your table, some music, a raffle and good company.
Shut-in Meals
Home cooked meals are delivered every Wednesday from 10am to Noon. Pantry Bags are available for those having trouble getting out to shop.